Solar Charge Controllers & Retrofits

A solar system is incomplete without a solar charge controller if you want to ensure maximum protection for your appliances. Solar panels can suffer from heating issues over time. However, with Luminous’ range of solar charge controllers, you can ensure that doesn’t happen. Whereas, Shine Retrofits are upgraded version of charge controllers which converts the normal inverter into a solar inverter without any change in electrical wiring.

Shine Retrofits

Shine Retrofits

Shine Retrofits
  • MCB protection
  • Solar optimization technique
  • 4 stage battery charging
  • User Friendly LCD Display

Shine Retrofit is an upgrade of the charge controller, which, when connected to any existing normal inverter, converts it into a solar inverter without any change in electrical wiring. It has inbuilt intelligence to maximise the use of solar energy to power your appliances. The shine retrofit has a solar optimisation technique, which enables minimum extraction of power from the mains. Moreover, it comes with MCB protection to ensure that the...

Solar Charge Controllers

Solar Charge Controllers

Solar Charge Controllers
  • Battery over charging protection
  • Reverse current flow protection
  • USB Port

Solar charge controllers control the current and voltage levels flowing from the solar panels to the batteries. Furthermore, these controllers also save the batteries from getting deep discharged and prevents reverse flow of current from batteries to the solar panels at night. With these solar charge controllers, the customers are also provided with a USB port, which gives the flexibility of charging the DC appliances like mobile phones dire...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a solar charge controller?

A solar charge controller is used to charge the battery from power generated by solar panels and prevent the battery from overcharging. It is also known as a voltage or current controller as it directs the voltage and current from the solar panels to the battery and also stops the reverse flow at night.

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